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Vaginal rejuvenation treatment with Viveve

Women go through many changes, especially gynecological, which can be challenging. One of the most noticeable changes is vaginal aging which can manifest as various issues, including decreased sexual pleasure and function, dryness, laxity, and urinary incontinence.

Thankfully, there are now several options available to help rejuvenate the vagina. This includes both surgical and non-surgical  options. In this post, we’ll take a look at one of the newer non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation treatment options: Viveve® 


What is a Vaginal Rejuvenation Treatment?

Vaginal rejuvenation treatment is a non-invasive procedure that uses radiofrequency energy to tighten the vagina and restore its elasticity. The treatment is performed using a handheld device called a probe. The device sends low-level radio waves into the tissue, causing heat stimulation of collagen fibers. As a result, the tissues relax and tighten and become more elastic, restoring the appearance of youthful tightness.

Viveve has gained popularity because it is minimally invasive, painless, and effective. It also requires no downtime or anesthesia. The treatment tip cools the surface of the vaginal mucosa while transmitting the heat deeper into the tissue. In addition, it is relatively inexpensive compared to other invasive procedures. 

Methods For Vaginal Rejuvenation treatment

As mentioned previously, there are two main types of procedures: surgical and non-surgical. The former involves cutting out excess tissue and tightening the muscles around the vagina. The latter use lasers to rejuvenate the vagina.

Surgical vaginoplasty has become very common over the last decade. It is a standard treatment for women who have given birth to restore their sexual function. Non-surgical vaginoplasty is less invasive and does not require hospitalization. This method is slowly becoming more popular than its surgical counterpart.

What are the various vaginal rejuvenation procedures?

Vaginal Rejuvenation Procedures

Surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation Treatments

  1. Vaginoplasty

This procedure tightens loose vaginal tissue that may cause discomfort during sex or childbirth. Cosmetic vaginal rejuvenation surgery is generally done for cosmetic reasons and to improve one’s sense of self-esteem and confidence.

There are several types of vaginoplasty, including:

1. Clitoral hood removal

This involves removing tissue from the clitoris.

2, Re-origination

The hymeneal membrane (the tissue that covers the opening of the vagina) may break during sexual activity for the first time. Surgery can be performed to re-create the original condition before a woman has sex.

3. G-spot amplification

G-spot amplification refers to stimulating the front wall of the vaginal canal. Collagen stimulating injections are used to increase pleasure for women.

2. Labiaplasty

Labiaplasty has become quite popular because it reduces the labia minora, changes the shape, and corrects the asymmetry. Following anesthesia, the lips can be shortened or reshaped. A laser or scalpel is used to cut away the unwanted tissue, and the edges are stitched with dissolving stitches

3. Vulvaplasty

Vulvaplasty refers to reshaping the vulva to look a certain way. It may include a change in vaginal opening size, removal of the clitoral hood, and removal of fibroids, cysts, or moles.

4. Vaginal augmentation

Vaginal augmentation refers to making the vagina longer or larger. Vaginal augmentation can be done in conjunction with other vaginal rejuvenation procedures, such as labiaplasty.

Non-Surgical vaginal Rejuvenation treatments

There are two standard methods of non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation treatments. Laser and radiofrequency are the most commonly used. The procedures are energy-based. Radiofrequency or laser treatments affect collagen production by heating the tissues. 

A combination of cooling and radiofrequency leads to vaginal tightening. In addition to heating the vaginal tissues, the alternate laser treatment also tightens them.

Radio Frequency (RF) – Electromagnetic waves are used in radiofrequency (RF) therapies. These waves resemble those produced by a microwave. The energy from these waves is directed towards the targeted tissue in RF treatment. Two brands that sell RF devices are ThermiVa and Viveve.

CO2 Laser – The tissue in the vaginal canal is heated by this wand. The lower layers of tissue are compelled to produce more collagen, which firms and tightens the skin. FemTouch, MonaLisa Touch, and FemiLift are some of the companies that make C02 laser equipment.

Benefits of non-surgical feminine rejuvenation


  • It is quick and usually under 30-45 minutes
  • Significant improvement is observed shortly after treatment and continues to get better with time.
  • Little to no downtime means that sexual intercourse can be resumed immediately. 
  • Long-lasting results up to 1 year. 
  • Can significantly improve:
    • Urinary incontinence due to stress
    • Dryness of the vagina
    • Painful sex
    • Sexual pleasure for both patient and partner
  • Urinary incontinence due to stress
  • Dryness of the vagina
  • Painful sex
  • Sexual pleasure for both patient and partner


Vaginal rejuvenation treatments can be a good option for women who suffer from vaginal atrophy. However, it is not an ideal solution for everyone. Limitations include:

To achieve optimal results, multiple treatments may be necessary.

Results are temporary but last for up to one to 2 years.

It may not effectively treat severe tissue laxity or severely saggy labia.

Who are the candidates for Vaginal rejuvenation?

Vaginal laser treatments are safe for most women, including issues related to pelvic pain, stress incontinence, vaginal relaxation, and pelvic prolapse. Doctors recommend that women who’ve given birth wait at least three months before undergoing this treatment. 

With postmenopausal women, it can promote the production of collagen. Vaginal rejuvenation restores the architecture of the vaginal canal the way it was before menopause. Women have reported decreased pain during sex and an increase in lubrication.


You can expect to experience a firmer, more youthful vagina. The best part is you can immediately resume your daily activities, even sexual intercourse.




At our clinic, we are excited to provide the Viveve treatment to our clients. No local or topical analgesics are needed in Viveve’s one-session, in-office treatment. Through monopolar cryogen-cooled radiofrequency (CMRF), the Viveve System strengthens and tightens the tissues of the vaginal wall. By alternating between short cooling bursts, the system prevents the delicate surface of the patient from being damaged; this allows the underdeveloped tissue to be heated deeper. In addition, the cooling technique triggers the production of more supportive collagen. The collagen gradually rejuvenates the area over time.


The Viveve system provides the most effective solution for treating vaginal laxity. The system has been clinically proven to improve overall vaginal laxity, increase lubrication, reduce painful intercourse, reduce bladder leakage, and increase sensitivity for enhanced intimacy.



If you have symptoms such as painful sex and stress incontinence, or you don’t like the appearance of your vagina, the Viveve system may be the answer to your problems. It can help to bring you comfort, confidence, and less pain. Contact us so we can discuss your options.



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