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pelvic plastic surgery

What is vaginoplasty?

Vaginoplasty or pelvic colporrhaphy is a procedure performed to repair and restore the vaginal tissue after sustained trauma from childbirth, repetitive lifting of heavy objects, chronic cough and other factors that increase intra-abdominal pressure over time, weakening the pelvic floor tissue.

Who is a good candidate for vaginoplasty?

Pelvic floor repair surgery (vaginoplasty) is performed for women who have bothersome symptoms from pelvic floor prolapse who  feel they have not benefited from conservative treatments such as kegel exercises, pelvic floor stimulation, non-invasive energy based treatments, pessaries and hormonal therapy.  Ideally these women have completed or are not planning future pregnancies or childbearing.


Complexity of Surgery………………………………Moderate

Pain Level After Surgery…………………………..Mild

Anesthesia………………………………………………….Topically and local

Surgical time……………………………………………..1 – 2 hour

Downtime………………………………………………….1-2 weeks

Return to Regular Activity………………………1-2 weeks

Resume……………………………………………………..Exercise 4-6 weeks



  • No visible scars when performed properly 
  • Restores confidence 
  • Restores pelvic floor strength
  • Enhanced appearance of anatomy
  • Improves genitourinary function

How should I prepare for my procedure?

Follow any specific instructions given to you at your pre-op visit

Pick up pain medications,  and plan your meals for the next few days after the procedure.   

If you have questions before your scheduled procedure date please contact the office to have all questions answered.

Shave the treatment area completely 2-3 days prior to the procedure.

Do not take any Aspirin, Fish Oil or Vitamin D  7-10 days before the procedure as these may increase the propensity for bleeding.



Drink tea, coffee, soups, and plenty of fluids.  This will help your recovery and reduce the chances of having constipation from the anesthesia and pain medicines.

Use ice packs  and tucks wipes as needed.   Swelling and bruising is common and may last 1-2 weeks after the procedure.


Gently wash the area with soapy water.    Do not rub or scrub.  Gently pat dry.  Continue to wear a panty liner and keep the area dry.   Do not shave the treated area in the next 2 weeks.


Avoid sexual activity, douching, or tampons for 4-6 weeks post-op.   We will discuss your recovery and make recommendations at your 2 week post-op visit.  

 Avoid exercise, heavy physical activity and  sauna for the first week after the procedure.

Avoid driving for 3-5 days and until you are off narcotic pain medications.

Take any antibiotics as prescribed if any are prescribed to you

Pain management 

Take Ibuprofen 600 mg every 6 hours and Tylenol  2  tablets every 8 hours for the first 24-48  hours then continue to take as needed for pain.

 If you become constipated, you may take Colace, or Senna twice a day or drink Milk of Magnesia.


Complications are rare with vaginoplasty however, these are the signs to watch for and call if you are experiencing 

  • fever greater than 100.5, 
  • heavy bleeding, 
  • pain not controlled by your pain medications, 
  • severe nausea/vomiting, 
  • redness surrounding the incision or, 
  • heavy drainage yellow from the incision, or any other concerns.

What is the difference between Vaginoplasty and Labiaplasty?

Vaginoplasty may be a surgical or or non-surgical procedure performed to restore the vaginal canal to its normal size.  It is typically performed for women seeking to improve pelvic floor relaxation after childbirth, or revise poorly healed vaginal laceration or episiotomy.  Labiaplasty is often performed with vaginoplasty however labiaplasty is a surgical procedure performed to remove excess labia tissue to restore confidence, improve asymmetry and improve pain with irritation symptoms from hypertrophy.

Vaginoplasty Specialist Surgery. Why Choose Us?

Vaginoplasty procedures require extensive training and expertise for optimal and satisfactory results.  It is best performed by a doctor trained in women’s wellness and surgery.  

Trained in pelvic plastic surgery and cosmetic gynecologic surgery,  our office performs this procedure with understanding of the delicate nature of this topic and offers a non-judgmental, and comfortable setting where women can discuss their concerns in private for consultation for this increasingly sought out procedure.

When considering vaginoplasty surgery, it is important for potential candidates to seek out an experienced surgeon who specializes in cosmetic gynecologic or plastic surgery and ideally one who has extensive experience performing this type of operation successfully with minimal complications and excellent results for their patients.

We encourage open discussion of hopes and concerns with your surgeon before undergoing vaginoplasty so that together, you  can create the best customized plan to achieve optimum satisfaction.

Frequently asked Questions.

The average cost of vaginoplasty is $3,500 – $6,500 depending on whether  just one side is being surgically removed to correct asymmetry or if there is hypertrophy on both sides that need correction.   

There may be other planned procedures as follow up to complete care such as vaginal treatments for atrophy or relaxation, or treatment of the labia majora and mons pubis.   

Typically when performed by an expert surgeon, scars are not visible and the outcome is aesthetically pleasing.

On the contrary.  Women have increased satisfaction with vaginoplasty.  Immediately after the surgery, some women may experience some numbness at the incision site which typically resolves in 4-6 weeks.

In specific instances vaginoplasty may be covered by insurance.  For most women however, vaginoplasty is an elective and cosmetic and personal choice.  Our office is out of network and does not participate in insurance.  We offer Care Credit and other financing options for flexibility.

Yes.  Ideally it is best to have completed childbearing especially vaginal deliveries before proceeding with vaginoplasty as having vaginal deliveries afterwards can weaken the results or benefits achieved with vaginoplasty.  Having a vaginoplasty procedure is a personal decision and entirely up to how you feel and your comfort level with proceeding with the procedure after a thoughtful discussion with our surgeon.  Labiaplasty on the other hand, can be performed before or after having children.  The procedure will not interfere with the ability to have a vaginal delivery.

If you live in Virginia, Washington DC or Maryland, En Sante Clinic & Medical Spa offers Vaginoplasty and Labiaplasty at an office near you.  Visit our locations page for a full list of services.

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